BHM: Erykah Badu Brings Back the Head Wrap

Best known for her role in the rise of the neo soul sub-genre,  as well as her eccentric, cerebral musical stylings and sense of fashion; Erykah Badu is often recognized for her trademark head wrap and her evolving style throughout the years. Just like her music, she pushes the fashion envelope, seemingly on a daily basis, with her hair, clothing and attitude. Whether she is sporting long flowing locks, a huge bushy afro, or a brightly colored gele wrapped delicately around her head,  she epitomizes natural beauty in here own right.  So today, we celebrate Ms. Badu, a natural style icon with an amazing musical legacy.

p.s.  I would also love to hear from any of you who sport head wraps on what’s your favorite fabric, color and techniques.

2 Responses so far »

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    Zula Group said,

    Was the headwrap out of style? I haven’t stopped wearing one for years, and most people who’ve met me within the last 6, 7 years, likely hasn’t ever seen my actual hair at all.

    My favorite fabric as cotton/muslin because a lot of stuff with slip and slide. I will double (triple, quadruple) wrap if I am using a more ornate fabric, a ‘slidey’ fabric or a combination of fabrics. I use all kinds of fabric when I multi-wrap.

    Commonly, I tend to pull my hair into a bun or ponytail and use that as a base for the wrap, and wrap backwards and around the bun, larger or smaller, longer or shorter fabric, multi-wrap or single. However, I also do a variety of traditional African styles of wraps, particular when wearing traditional clothing with matching headwraps.

    My hair is also natural, for over 20 years now, more than half my life. I make my own oil blends, which work well with a headwrap in making sure my hair doesn’t dry out and protect the edges to avoid the nun-effect.

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